Reputation Management

We all know how important a first impression can be!

Saraosta Reputation Management

Now with the use of reputation websites, potential customers are able to form an opinion of you long before they ever set foot into your establishment.

There is an increasing number of online reputation websites for individuals to research, and studies show that about 80% of consumers trust online reviews & will read them before choosing a provider, product, or service.

While consumers are sometimes just looking for a place to vent, many others are looking for a place to brag on a business they love or even to reach out for a solution to a problem they encountered. Leaving these reviews untouched can potentially give the wrong idea to your consumers. We know how important excellent customer service is to your business and online reputation management is just an extension of that! You wouldn’t ignore a complaint in person, so RizoTech is here to help you acknowledge them online as well.

See what your customers are saying about you & let us help you have a conversation with them!

Our Full Service Reputation Management Services Include:

    • Properly Claiming your Reputation Outlets (Yelp, Google, Yahoo, & More)
    • Daily Monitoring of your Reviews
    • Quick Responses to Each and Every Review (Both Positive & Negative)
    • Review Reports Sent to YOU Bi-Weekly
When you sign on with RizoTech, you can rest assured that you won't only see us on payday. We will come by your business frequently to meet, answer any questions, update, and gather some new content. We are always an email or phone call away. If you need us in house for something urgent, we'll be there!