
Sarasota Yelp Management

People love to explore & people love to share their opinions. With those two facts in place, it should be clear as to why being on top of your Yelp reviews is a priority for your business.

Time is your greatest asset as a business owner & we know just how little of it you have left at the end of the day. Managing another platform just doesn’t always seem in the cards & maybe that is why you haven’t tried it. RizoTech is here to help & we want to let you know why Yelp is a great place to be active & engage with your customers!

Yelp is a community to search for local businesses and to see what others are saying about said business. Lots of people comment, inquire, or in some cases even try & bash your company within this online community, and we are there to see and respond to it all! There is nothing worse than not being heard, and we never want your customers to feel that way. Let them know they are being heard by you!

Sarasota Yelp Reputation Management Includes:
    • Properly Verified & Optimized Yelp Page
    • Weekly Checks for New Reviews
    • Timely & Personalized Responses
    • Bi-Weekly Reports Sent to YOU
When you sign on with RizoTech, you can rest assured that you won't only see us on payday. We will come by your business frequently to meet, answer any questions, update, and gather some new content. We are always an email or phone call away. If you need us in house for something urgent, we'll be there!